With the arrival of winter, the demand of consumers for various fish...
Frozen green peas should first be taken out of the refrigerator to let it melt natural...
The company was estoblished in 2006.The main business of us is exporting frozen and fresh futs, vegetables and seafood products to overeascounties, such as USA, Canoda, Europeans, Scutheast Asia ,Middle East and etc. The company was estoblished in 2006.The main business of us is exporting frozen and fresh futs, vegetables and seafood products to overeascounties, such as USA, Canoda, Europeans, Scutheast Asia ,Middle East and etc. The company was estoblished in 2006.The main business of us is exporting frozen and fresh futs, vegetables and seafood products to overeascounties, such as USA, Canoda, Europeans, Scutheast Asia ,Middle East and etc.
Started from 2006
Serving ten countries around the world
24-hour service